Since I'll be doing it myself in a couple of weeks, I went to see this lot do their first ever live improv show.
Lots of those short-form games that work well in a party, character stuff in fleeting scenes mere seconds long.
They all did pretty good, made us laugh a bit. None of 'em threw up from nerves or ran crying from the stage nor even really fumbled for words.
Top top is if you're gonna get type-cast, try not to get typecast as an animal.
I really prefer some kinda exploration of narrative and actual story-telling over the quick parlor-games skits though. Expect I'd enjoy their next show more, and to enjoy doing my second more than the first.
Our date on the 20th coincides with a cider festival in the pub there, and cheep cider all night. So ours will be better in that sense at least. Dunno why we end up with a weekend date and they do a Tuesday.