This month becomes even more expensive: Oven's broke.
Ordered a new one to be delivered Friday, and crucially, they'll take the old one away.
Current account getting worryingly low now though.
Oh my god now the fridge is broken too. Ugh.
@pre Mine broke on Xmas day a few years ago, halfway through cooking roast duck for Xmas dinner. I've pretty much given up on celebrating Xmas at this point!
It did only turn out to need a new element though, once I could pay someone to look at it.
@denny Fair chance this would also only need a new element, but it'd cost as much to get someone out to find out if that's true or not as it would to have a new one delivered really.
Plus this old one is really dirty.
Various life plans means neither can happen till Friday.
No cookies for me till then I guess.
@pre They're relatively cheap, but which gods did you anger?
@denny The gods of neglect and abuse I suspect
Fridge seems nearly twice as expensive as an oven, way more so for the A-grade efficiency ones, but at least I've been paid between the two.