Some things I have already learned from running my first #Kickstarter even though it's still day one:
Supporters can only select one support-level, so if someone wants to get two of your things, they can't add them each into a basket and checkout with both.
Therefore, you'll need reward levels like "Two copies of the thing".
You can get around this to some extent with "addons". Don't think of this as "modifications of your reward" like "Delivered in custom packaging" or something.
They can be used for that, but if someone wants a Gold reward and also a Silver and Bronze reward they can only do it if Silver and Bronze are addons as well as supporter-perks.
The project cover-page updates automatically showing the new total if new people pledge, but the admin/Dashboard page doesn't, that page has to be refreshed if you want to see new supporters or updated totals.
The Dashboard seems nice. Informative.
Much higher proportion of backers finding the project through Kickstarter's own search pages than I'd have expected. About half. I expected it'd be entirely HappyToast's followers coming in from Twitter really.
That might just be people who hit "remind me when it starts" having found it from the preview-tweets though? Dunno what counts.
A stretch goal like "extra track on the cd" or "extra Joker in the deck" seem good since they reward existing supporters and new ones too, and so encourage everyone to spread the link.
Fair number of spam messages from promoters offering to promote.
No way at all to tell if any of them are better than others or would make any difference at all. Even if you paid for a package, no way to run a control of not running it to compare to.
I guess if new-supporter rates drop down and then you pay them you can at least tell if it went up again or not.
Are the best #advertisers the ones with the best #adverts?
Presumably it's the ones with the best set of eyeballs to sell you really.
Feels dirty. I hate it.
#reddit thinks #Tarot is too controversial to allow it to be advertised there at all anyway. I had them double-check with their lawyers.
Can't stay hot forever I suppose. About 48 hours after launch the new supporter rate slowed and basically stopped.
Guess that's how long you get on Kickstarter's front page/hot-list.
3/4th of supporters so far seem to have come from Kickstarter's own audience which is a surprise to me. Didn't really expect there to be an audience of excited kickstarter people looking for kickstarter things to support at all. Yet there they are. Spending thousands. Brilliant.
Another weird thing about #kickstarter is that people can of course cancel or change their pledge up to the final date.
So it can go over your milestone/stretch-goal and then you go all like "woot!" and then it goes back down again.
You could think you're just going to scrape through your target, and then someone cancels at the last second and you just miss it.
So that's interesting.
Oh well. Perhaps it'll go back up overnight.
Definitely topped out this #tarot deck #kickstarter here at 10k.
Seems like every time there is a pledge which takes it over 10k, someone else cancells one. Are there Kickstart Funders who like to support projects, but only small projects? Could be I suppose. Could have just reached everyone I'm able to reach really.
Hopefully the one more deck-review that's promise will happen, maybe that'll push it for another jump? If it does will everyone currently supporting just cancel?
Hard to tell.
Took 19 days for Kickstarter to send the actual money to me. But I have it now! Think it took that time mostly coz they wanna check there's no chargebacks etc.
Kinda assumed that at this point they'd release the shipping addresses for me.
Not the case it seems.
Sounds like I have to separately send out a survey to ask people their shipping address for some reason. Even though they already picked a country.
What to do if they picked a country and then fill in a different country in the survey? Who knows.
So now I gotta wonder what other questions should be in a survey, given I didn't intend to send one at all.
Another weird thing about #kickstarter - they don't tell you the shipping addresses of the people who asked for rewards.
You have to do a survey to ask them.
And you can't just make one form and send it to everyone, you have to make a new form for each reward-level.
And when you're sitting there clicking like a robot making the same form over-and-over again for each reward level, they'll accuse you of being a robot and make you do a captcha. Ha.
So that's all pretty dumb.
I wonder what I'll do if some people just don't fill it in? Can't send them the thing they asked for.