is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A gateway into the global open conversation in the fediverse, for Boing folks and anyone they know. If you're friends with someone here, or the event, or were at the fabled old place, come join us.

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active users

There is no apparent end to the influx of users, and also thank-goodness of servers and communities.

I hear that Cohost and Hive and Tumblr are also still onboarding as fast as they can.

is just another overlord, a capital-owned data-broker. The capital-owned media are promoting it heavily as you'd expect. They terms seem to explicitly say they will sell you out.

is at least owned by a charity, but that's still a single entity in control of the thing. Will they ever federate or interoperate? Who knows. It's not up to you. They hope to make money and give it to the highest value posters, and so rank everything by how important people are.

are owned by a weird distributed company, that are currently good guys as far as I can tell. Wordpress folks. They tell us they are thinking of federating and inter-operating as soon as they can, but are busy on-boarding right now.

/ The-Fediverse is getting the freaks and the geeks and the queers and weirdos.

My people.

Where we lead, the masses end up following. Though I dunno if we should let them this time really.

Also Tumblr has a lot of weirdos too actually.
