Not content with confusing one generation with a switch of measuring standards, the UK propose we switch back now, and so confuse another generation about measuring standards too.
This time while also diverging from the standard measures used by literally the entire scientific world.
Hurray! Brexit truly makes us a global Britain, unique among the world for measuring things in fucking feet and inches and furlongs?
I for one am sick of having to buy 1 liter glasses of cider in pubs.
This radical imposition of the EU on my daily life is intolerable and I'll be glad to going back to buying by the pint instead of having to accept glasses with 473ml in them instead.
And here's a Weights and Measures inspector's take:
"...Certificates of approval for imperial metrological equipment have long since lapsed. Will you subsidise the industry cost of certification?
Most imperial local standards and testing equipment have long been retired. Will you subsidise Local Authorities for the cost of this equipment and the creation of new metrological laboratories?
A local standard mass comparator costs £30,000. Are you willing to spend many millions of pounds reintroducing such equipment?
Imperial measurements have not been taught in schools since the mid 1970s... is this, like your Bridge to Ireland, a nonsense policy only to distract form the appalling way you are running this country? "