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It turns out that with the proper tweaks you can tell Stable Diffusion something like "Take my avatar image, keep just the face and the hair, then fill in the background as though it's a movie-poster"

Then you can leave it doing hundreds of them overnight.

Then you can stitch like 1,600 images together in a video running 3 of them per second.

If you do all that, you get this:

It's not even hard to do (now that the hard research is done by others).

On a linux/Mac console with Python3.10, a GPU, and a file called MyAvatar.jpg all you need do is:

> pip install imaginairy
> imagine --init-image MyAvatar.jpg --mask-prompt "(face OR hair){-9}" --mask-mode keep --init-image-strength .0000 --fix-faces --repeats 100000 "man wearing a space suite" "cover of life magazine" "film noir movie poster" "scifi book cover" "robots and spaceships" "super hero costume" "actor head shot" "gangster movie poster" "transformers movie poster" "professional uniform" "romance movie poster" "fantasy book cover" "ghost movie poster" "vampire book cover" "policeman in uniform" "firefighter in uniform" "movie poster" "a man in a space suit" "space suit" "space uniform" "star trek" "star wars movie poster" "batman and joker"

Then let it run generating images overnight before you stitch 'em together:
> apt install ffmpeg
> ffmpeg -framerate 3 -y -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i 'outputs/generated/0*.jpg' output.mp4

Adam Dalliance

Spocio RI: Spcop

He is a long haired hippy, and it is a kids toy robot, and together they fight crime.

Adam Dalliance

Super-hero costumes and space-suits seem to come out best. Probably coz they so completely replace the body I suppose.

Adam Dalliance

RomaDance? Romanclance? The titles are hard to read but the lead in the romance-movie pictures usually looks more handsome than me somehow. Must be the suit and tie.

Adam Dalliance

Quite a lot of them go for this three face setup, guess it is a common trope in movie posters. Wonder who did it first.

Adam Dalliance

Cover Of Life Magazine was explicitly one of the prompts. Obviously you'd wear a tie and a jacket then. And lean. Gotta get the lean right.

Adam Dalliance

Some of 'em are proper awful. Look at this terrible cut-and-paste photoshop job.

Guess whatever merging it's doing after the original imagining just fails sometimes.

Adam Dalliance

I was hoping for a catch-all for uniforms like fire-fighters and cops when I asked for "professional uniforms" but it mostly seems to have interpreted that as shop-keep.